CAP Retail Locations is a thorough, continually updated and verified database that is checked for accuracy and completeness, utilizing the most rigorous and reliable sources and processes available. CAP Retail doesn't include non-retail locations, corporate offices, and distribution points. CAP Retail records are individually researched and verified to ensure the correctness of their industry classification. CAP Retail is the most comprehensive Retail List available.
The data is compiled from unit counts and individual locations for retail chains in 186 different classifications. You purchase only the records that you need in the format that you want.
file details
Retail Trade Names: 8,832
Retail Locations: 1,118,588
Categories: 222
Sub Categories: 142
93% geocoded at address level
100% with SIC, NAICS and CAP Category and Class
file AtTributes
Trade Name and Parent Company
Square Footage
Longitude and Latitude (Geocoded to Rooftop*)
Full address
Phone #
Categorized by Retail Type and Sub-Type
Multiple Levels of Geography, County, DMA, CBSA, Etc
Mall ID if Located in a Shopping Center
Unique Trade Name identifier